Tuesday, October 30, 2007


when i was younger,
i would watch sonic the hedgehog
waiting for my father to come get me.

when i was younger,
dad would take me
to see the indians play.

when i was younger,
i would play games
in the arcade
at parmatown mall

when i was younger,
i would swing from monky bars
and slide down slides.

when i was younger,
i would swim in the pool
as my grandmother made pancakes
for our lunch.

when i was younger,
i would dream
dream of what would happen
happen on days like today.


There is one place in this town that I feel like I can let everything just go away and not have to worry anymore. This place is the hills behind the urgicare center. The place where little children go sledding in the winter. I go there when I feel like I need to relax and get things off of my chest. I have be going there lately....alot because in Febuary my grandfather passed away. He was like a father to me. Its hard sometimes not to think of him, but when I do I just go to the hills and think of all the fun things that we used to do. I also remember things that I thought I had forgoten about when i'm there. That is the place of peace and relaxation for me. one that i will never stop going to. one that will stay with me and my memories.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Dillio: Deal. Example: What's the dillio? Why are you doing that?

d'oh!: Literally a contraction of Duh... Oh! made famous by Homer Simpson. Used to denote anything from surprise to being caught, to forgetting something, etc. Example: Homer, did you remember our anniversary? Homer - D'OH!

daggit: A corrupted version of damn it or dang it Example: Daggit, my computer crashed again.

damn skippy: A quick response to a statement that you agree with. Example:

diddly squat: Don't mean nothin'. Actually, it does mean nothing. Example: I din't get diddly squat from that class.

w00t: Hacker-speak. Amazing, cool. For exclamations. Also used to describe someone. Example: W00t! Sue owns me. Did you see how she took control of that gibson?

s'all good: It's all good. Used either when things are going well, or sarcastically when things are going terribly. Example: Yeah, I have three papers due tomorrow morning. And, yeah, I get off work at 11 tonight. But hey, s'all good.

pop: another word for soda

T'hell: Contraction of 'to hell.' Said with vigor and clarity of voice to indicate a savage opposition to a question. Example: Q: You going to the bar?A: T'hell no! I'm flat broke.

garfunkel: To disappear mysteriously without a trace, like Art Garfunkel's career. Example: A. Whatever happened to that kid down the street? B. I don't know. He must have garfunkeled.